Fortunately, if you have the right strategies in place it’s definitely a goal that you can take head-on.
Let’s walk you through the top things that you should be doing in order to maximise your abs' potential.
Serve Up Some Lean Protein Post-Workout
The first thing to focus on is taking in a good dose of lean protein
after your workout session -- it’s a must in order to repair broken down
muscle tissues. With greater repair levels, you’ll experience greater
overall muscle growth, which means a faster metabolic rate.
And the faster your metabolic rate is moving along, the more total body fat you will burn up daily, helping uncover your abs in the process.
Wondering where to get the combination of premium proteins needed to support lean muscle mass and maximise training? Check out Body Fortress' Super Advanced Whey Protein. Boasting premium whey protein -- as well as high-quality creatine, essential amino acids, crystalline taurine and threonine -- Super Advanced Whey Protein delivers the essential mix of premium proteins and nutrients required to complement high-intensity workouts.* This dynamic formula delivers 60G of protein per 2 scoop serving.
Do Core Moves On The Decline
When going about your core workouts to develop stronger abs, don’t
underestimate the power of doing them on a decline. Simply shifting the
body into this position gives them greater total resistance to work
against since you’ll have to fight the forces of gravity.
Try the decline weighted twisting sit-up for the ultimate move that hits the obliques as well.
Try the decline weighted twisting sit-up for the ultimate move that hits the obliques as well.
Destabilize Your Body
On the workout side of things, the more you can destabilise yourself,
the more you’ll target muscle fibers deep within the core.
Doing more of your basic strength and core exercises on an exercise ball, you’ll achieve this effect perfectly.
Doing more of your basic strength and core exercises on an exercise ball, you’ll achieve this effect perfectly.
Eliminate Refined Foods
Next, one of the most important steps to take if you want to get
chiselled abs is to eliminate all the refined foods that you’re
consuming in your diet plan. Refined foods will break down rapidly in
the body which causes your blood glucose to increase and this spikes
insulin right along with it.
With high levels of insulin constantly in your system, you’re in primary fat storage mode, so expect to see fat being packed on around your middle.
Once the glucose is cleared from the blood, you’ll then suffer a blood glucose crash, which causes intense food cravings to set in.
With high levels of insulin constantly in your system, you’re in primary fat storage mode, so expect to see fat being packed on around your middle.
Once the glucose is cleared from the blood, you’ll then suffer a blood glucose crash, which causes intense food cravings to set in.
Crank Up The Speed On The Treadmill
To burn fat at an accelerated rate for hours after your workout, start
adding interval training to the mix. You’ll stroke your fat burning
engine for 48 hours post-workout, making this an excellent way to
increase your fat loss.
Remember that total fat loss comes down to total calories expended versus consumed, so adding intervals will greatly help the expended side of the equation.
Remember that total fat loss comes down to total calories expended versus consumed, so adding intervals will greatly help the expended side of the equation.
Reduce Your Stress
Combating stress will do more than just help you feel better on a day to
day basis. When you’re highly stressed out, you’re going to be
releasing far more cortisol than normal, which is a hormone that will
only encourage fat accumulation in the midsection.
Figure out
what technique works best for you to bust through stress and then make
sure that you use it daily.
Perform Full-Body Workouts
Rather than doing a split body workout like many men do, make the switch
over to a full-body workout. Full-body workouts stimulate far more
muscle fibers in total, which means a greater calorie burn during both
the workout and well after it’s finished.
For overall fat loss, full-body workouts can’t be beat. Plus, they allow more time off from your training to get in your interval cardio workouts.
For overall fat loss, full-body workouts can’t be beat. Plus, they allow more time off from your training to get in your interval cardio workouts.
Get More Sleep
Getting sufficient sleep is the next vital element to have in place if
you want to get abs in a hurry. If you aren’t sleeping enough at night,
you’ll experience a slower metabolic rate, a higher cortisol release and
less energy to complete your workout the very next day.
When you’re well-rested, you’ll also experience fewer food cravings, making it easier to choose wise nutrition options.
When you’re well-rested, you’ll also experience fewer food cravings, making it easier to choose wise nutrition options.
Cut Back On The Beer
If beer is your beverage of choice, you may want to
consider changing that. Beer is higher in carbs than other options,
which will get converted to body fat in a hurry. Combine this with the
alcohol content -- which already puts the breaks on fat loss -- and you
have yourself a prime fat-gain situation.
Opt for liquor-based drinks with calorie-free mixers like water or slimline tonic instead.
Opt for liquor-based drinks with calorie-free mixers like water or slimline tonic instead.
Eat More Omega Fats
Finally, make sure you are getting enough omega fats in your daily diet. One study published in the International Journal of Obesity
noted that when subjects were given one of two diets, the first with
the inclusion of fish oil in food or a supplemental form and the second
without, that those eating the fish oil experienced a weight loss of
about two pounds more over a four-week period than those who didn’t.
Salmon, mackerel and walnuts all contain omega fats, but if you don’t eat these foods on a regular basis, be sure to look into fish oil supplements instead. So when you’re looking in the mirror and thinking that it’s time you put some effort in focusing on your core development, get these points in place to help take your progress up a notch.
Salmon, mackerel and walnuts all contain omega fats, but if you don’t eat these foods on a regular basis, be sure to look into fish oil supplements instead. So when you’re looking in the mirror and thinking that it’s time you put some effort in focusing on your core development, get these points in place to help take your progress up a notch.
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