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Strength Training Workouts - Muscle training

My lifting strength workout  career started out like that of many other teenagers looking to build muscle: Find the biggest guy in the room and do what he did—which strength workout  typically meant putting as much weight as possible on the bar and completing the reps by any means necessary. Not only did strength workout strength training workout my size increase, but so did my strength. Naturally, I continued to lift big, expecting my size to strength training workout  grow proportionately. This didn’t happen. I got stronger, but my muscle gains stagnated. What was going strength workout strength training workout on? I thought size was directly related to strength. At least, that’s what the “experts” were saying.

That’s around the time I began studying exercise strength workout  science in college. Soon I was learning about the physiology of training and how the body responds to resistance exercise.

When I learned the chemical processes strength workout  of how the body builds muscle and the finer points of protein synthesis, I saw the light. I had fnally learned what muscle mass was truly about. The eight-week strength training workout  training program strength workout  I’ve mapped out here incorporates all of this knowledge into one straightforward mass gaining plan. Follow it as written and you’ll build serious muscle in the next two months and lay the foundation for more size gains to come after that.

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